Keep reading to see how I got my hair this color!
To color my hair purple, I had to rebleach my hair. To see how I did that, check out my previous blog post here. I provide a product list and instructions on how to get bleach blonde hair. After bleaching my hair again, I ran to Sally's Beauty Supply to pick up this Lavender dye by Ion. This dye is semi-permanent, which will help keep the color around longer. The color cost around $5, which was very cheap for a colored dye. I picked just one up because I was unsure how much of my hair it would cover. I have incredibly thick hair.
1. Purchase dye Ion Color Brillance in Lavender (Pick up at Sally's Beauty Supply)
2. Put on gloves and apply directly to hair. I started at the top of my head and worked the color into the roots. You DO NOT need a developer for this color. You literally take it out of the tube and apply it directly to your hair.
3. Work color through hair, saturating hair.
4. To get the lighter purple, I diluted the dye with some conditioner to create a more pastel effect with the hair. I ran the conditioner through different areas of my hair to create some depth and texture to the color.
5. Let the dye develop for about 30 minutes.
6. Rinse in COLD water.
7. Apply conditioner to hair and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing in COLD water.
8. Wash your hair sparingly for the longest lasting color. I would suggest investing in a dry shampoo. Always rinse your hair out in COLD water to keep the color vibrant as long as possible.

Let me know what you think! Stay tuned for more FOTD!
I love it! It's so effin cute! ;D